"Freedom On Wheels"

Our Story

  Our story really begins shortly after my wife and I were married 49 years ago.  At that time, we fell in love with riding tandem 10 speed bicycles.  The first I built myself by welding two bike frames together.  Since that time we have owned numerous tandems and spent many enjoyable hours bicycling.    

  In 2013, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. Then in 2015, diagnosed with a non-cancerous brain tumor.  I am happy to report that in both cases with surgery and medical treatment, she has fully recovered, with the exception of good balance.  

  This physical limitation unfortunately made it very difficult for us to continue riding tandems and forced me to begin looking for alternative options.  Last May, I found the Belize Twin Tri-rider and promply ordered one for evaluation.  Upon receipt, I was quite impressed with the over-all quality and initiated numerous upgrades including an electric motor to improve function and performance.  

  The final product was absolutely amazing!  Then came the learning curve! Even being an experienced cyclist, I was amazed at how different riding an adult tricycle is from riding a regular bike.  None the less, with some practice, my wife and I have our cycling lives back once again, enjoying what we like most, bicycling together. 

 Our Website

     As my wife and I resumed our cycling activities, we were amazed at how many couples were interested in all aspects of our bicycle: what is it like to ride, how do you electrify it, how do you transport it, where can you get one, etc.  Well, as you can imagine, we loved the questions, we love the bike, so why not create a website and answer just those questions, plus many more.  Thus the website, which my wife and I hope you enjoy as much as we enjoy sharing with you.